A unique way to benefit from knowhow of international professionals

Did you know that there are 800 international researchers at Tampere’s universities? Most of them come with their spouses. This potential is yet unrevealed.

Are you searching for a fresh perspective to your business? What if you had a team of international professionals helping you expand your pool of customers?

In our open morning coffee session on October 26th, you will

  • meet the Hidden Gems international professionals in a field of marketing, business, design, tourism, IT, education, communication or engineering
  • hear about a Hidden Gems -project that facilitates the employment of Tampere’s international researchers’ spouses in the Finnish economy
  • find out how you can make use of the Hidden Gems project and its international professionals

Do you have a real-life customer oriented problem that needs solving? We will help you to define the problem and gather a team of Hidden Gems talents to give you another perspective and ideas for solution.

Date: 26.10.2018, 09.00 – 10.00

Place: Crazy Town Tampere, Rautatienkatu 21 B, Tampere

More info: Mikko Korpela, 0400 499 242, mikko.korpela@crazytown.fi 

The event is free of charge.


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